DreamBee Initiatives

An amazing opportunity to become actively engage in changing our society for innocent children, while also developing world-class leadership skills.

When you learn to lead with love, empathy, altruism, and determination, you become a part of Generation LEAD; DreamBee Foundations Flagship Scholars program designed for middle, high school, and college students.

  • Collegiate, High School and Middle School Student Ambassadors (Accelerators)
  • Summer Internships – High potential Rural and Inner-city youth
  • LEADer Evolution
  • Becoming a LEADer (Life, Education, and Career Coaching) – Guided by Certified Life Coaches – Ages: 14 -24
  • Mentors and Peer Mentors Powered by Community Engagement
  • Accelerator Teams receive $1000 Investment annually to initiate Portfolio Innovations that promote LEAD

Pollinate the Dream Campus Initiative

The overarching goal of the Pollinate the Dream Campus Initiative is to raise awareness, compassion, and funds to stop the devastation that results from child abuse and neglect, uniting students in an engaging educational and philanthropic experience.

Student-Led, the Pollinate the Dream Initiative is best defined as one generation working to transform the lives of future generations.